Recipe for white custard with plum sauce

white custard with plum sauce

Have you ever tasted coconut custard with plum sauce? It is a real delight, you can easily prepare it at home and serve it for your visits, especially at Christmas and New Year. Check out Specialfood step-by-step suggestion for preparing white custard with plum syrup!

Ingredients for making white custard with plum syrup:

For the syrup:

 200 grams of black plum

 2 glasses of water

 7 tablespoons of sugar

For the delicacy:

 1 liter of milk

 200 milliliters of coconut milk

 150 grams of grated coconut

 6 tablespoons of cornstarch

 6 tablespoons of sugar

How to make Manjar white with plum syrup:

The first step of the custard recipe is to prepare the plum sauce. To do this, place the sugar in a pan and bring to medium heat to melt.

When the sugar turns caramel, carefully add the water and the plums and let it boil for a few minutes, until the plums are soft. Turn off and let cool.

Now prepare the custard, placing the milk, coconut milk, grated coconut, sugar and sifted starch in a pan. Bring to medium heat, stirring with a whisk until thickened to a point of porridge, which will take about 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let cool.

Wet a pudding tin with water and pour the previous preparation into it. Shake lightly to spread the delicacy well over the pan, and refrigerate for about 3 hours to set.

When this time has passed, unmold the delicacy on a serving plate and pour the syrup with the included plums over it. It's ready, good appetite!

If you liked the White Manjar with Plum Sauce recipe, we suggest you enter our Pudding and Flan Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the custard apple mousse recipe/ mango lassi recipe/ chayote benefits blogpost/ kiwi jam recipe/ mandarin jam recipe.


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